Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results not Showning

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  • Anonymous

    I am trying to show the results on the same page of where the post widget is and the results show as blank even though Vehicles match the filtered criteria.

    I am using Elementor Pro and the Elementor plugin Extention for Search and Filter Pro


    I believe it may be a conflict with Ele custom Skin

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Hayden

    You’re right – we’re aware of an incompatibility with that plugin.

    You can use a custom skin, but you can’t use a custom grid – basically, they use their own JavaScript for the grid they create, and our instruction (after ajax) to layout the grid again get ignored by the plugin.

    Can you work around this by not using the grid?

    I don’t think we’ll look into to creating an integration for this for a little while.



    Hi Ross,

    I actually don’t have a custom grid installed or the option enabled. would you like me to send you the configuration that I have for both Custom Ele Skin and Search and Filter Pro?


    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    I have managed to fix it. AJAX doesn’t like entrance animations, so by removing all of them, they now appear in the ajax search, and Custom Ele Skin doesn’t like stretch section being on. By by disabling all of those, it now works perfectly.

    Thanks for your help!

    Ross Moderator

    Ok great, and out of curiosity, is it possible to use the grid feature of that plugin – or was I correct in assuming that breaks it too?



    Unfortunately, I don’t use the Grid Feature so I wouldn’t be able to answer that. Sorry.

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