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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results not showing with custom taxonomy


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  • Robin

    Hi Ross,

    I’m having trouble showing results for custom taxonomies.

    First they weren’t appearing at all. Then i tried to include different taxonomies and got some results.

    No my question, do i have to manually include all created taxonomies via id in the plugin’s settings page? Thats the only way i was able to get some results after searching via taxonomy.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Robin

    No you shouldn’t have to do this – it sounds like something in your theme (or another plugin) is modifying your results so you’re having to explicitly include this.

    I’d check for any code in your functions.php which modifies queries (pre_get_posts).

    As a quick test- follow the instructions here (a quck tutorial) and please send me a link to the new page you have created – using the shortcode method usually prevents other plugins etc from hijacking the query – and we’ll do a test to make sure this is the case.


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    Ross Moderator
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