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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results bug on Nginx server and WPML

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  • Patrick Bouchard

    I take several tests and i can’t change page on the result page on a different language than a native one. In english (native language), everything goes well, but in french (in my case) i can’t change page. I changed to apache server and everything is ok. But for performance purpose, i need to run my website on Nginx.

    I have a Dreamhost VPS server with Nginx 1.4.4 with PHP 5.5

    For debug purpose, here is what i have in response when a click on a page in my result page in French :

    url :

    And the output is the html of my home page.

    In english, the output start with this : {“form”:”<form action=\”http:\/\/\/inventory\/\” method=\”post\” class=\”searchandfilter\” data-sf-form-id=\”97\”

    Patrick Bouchard

    After few other tests, i think the bug is caused by a rewrite rule on Nginx in french or something like that.

    With this URL, i have the home page in output. If i remove the « fr » link, i have a json output as it should be.

    Here is my rewrite rules on Nginx :

    location / {
    if (!-e $request_filename){
    rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php break;

    Maybe something is missing.

    Ross Moderator

    Have you tried flushing your rewrite rules?

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