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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results Bug

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  • Adrien


    When i go to this page and select Acer + Amazon it goes to this page which have two results

    But it should have 0 results since no products belongs to those two categories.

    Also, How to do url rewrite on those plugin urls results?

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    You cannot do rewrites I’m afraid – alot of the URL is built in JS for speed and reducing http requests.

    RE the first question, in the “tags, categories and taxonomies” tab, you just need to change the relationship option to “AND”.



    That’s what i did it works when i’m on But not when i’m on

    Here is a screenshot. You can check categories by clicking on products and check yourself.

    Screenshot Here

    Screenshot 2 Here


    I think the problem is when you first choose categories and click on submit it works. You are redirected to the right page ( For example: ). But When you are on the result page and retry to make another choice of categories selecting you get redirected to ( No &_sft_product_cat=… in the url ) no matter what you choose.

    Ross Moderator

    Ah yes I see the problem

    Your search form is actually inside your ajax results container – so every ajax request the search form is replaced, but not reinitialised – thats why it always works first time.

    I would change your results selector from #content to #main.

    Just to check, do you plan to use S&F with WooCommerce? 2.0 (out on Monday) has much better support for WooCommerce including support for using the shop page directly 🙂 – might be better to hold out until then!




    Thank you, it fixed it.

    Also i have custom key “Processor” with for example Value “Core i3 9865” in products.

    In Search and Filter i added Post Meta “Processor” Value “Core i3 and in Post Meta tab:

    Processor, Char, Like, Core i3

    But in it doesn’t work, it gives me no results.

    Also i will create a page for each custom field, for example ( i will create it later, it’s not working for now.

    I want to put the link on Search and Filter “Core i3” text after the radio box. Like How can i do this?

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    In S&F 1.4.3 sometimes if post meta is serialised it does not get detected corrsctly causing the issue I think you have.

    S&f 2.0 is released on Monday which resolves this issue.

    I’ll.update here when its out.



    In the product with woocommerce i created Custom Product Attributes “Screen” = “15”.

    How can i use this custom product attribute in the Search And Filter? I can’t find it anywhere.

    I just found _product_attributes in Post Meta but i can choose which product attribute exactly.

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Adrien

    I think what you need is to use the Taxonomy Field.

    In WooCommerce, there are 2 ways to create attributes, either as Post Meta or Taxonomy.

    Post meta is not as good for searching and trickier to set up.

    If you add your attributes using the the attributes option in WooCommerce then they will definitely be setup as taxonomies, but if I remember correctly, there is a way to add them as post meta via the product edit page.

    Have a look and let me know.

    S&F 2.0 is out later on today which brings a lot of nice features for WooCommerce.




    I still don’t understand how to set it up. In Taxonomies i only see Format, Product Categories, Product Tags and Shipping Classes.

    And in Post Meta, I see _product_attributes_ But i don’t know how to select a specific Product Attribute ( For example Screen ).

    Could you please explain me exactly how to do this?

    Thank you.

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