Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results are not displayed

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  • Anonymous


    first of all: thank you for your great plugin.

    I have the following setup:

    Custom Post Type
    Custom Fields
    Custom Taxonomies
    Search and Filter Pro

    Now I want to output the different elements correctly in an archive page of my Custom Post Types (Archive Page is designed by Elementor). Unfortunately nothing happens. The results remain unchanged.

    I have tried different displa rules. But the results are not displayed correctly. I have also read the following documentation, but it did not help:


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    Do you have Elementor and/or Elementor Pro? If so, you need to use our extension for it, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    Note towards the end of that guide, which shows how you can set the form to Archive Posts.

    Are you wanting to use the same form on many pages (taxonomy/category pages)?


    Ok I found the problem:

    I did not do that. Now I followed the instructions and it works better.

    BUT: The default widgets you mentioned are very stiff and hard to customize. How can I make the archive page a bit more customizable and use Seach and Filter Pro at the same time?

    For example: I would like to display individual custom fields in the archive overview. So not only the title or the comments, but also custom fields. This is different for each element and should be displayed on the archive page.

    I was able to customize this with or Dynamico. But then I could not filter anymore. Do you have a recommendation what works well with S&F Pro?


    Is this the dynamico you refer to:

    (I do not think you need our extension when using that plugin)

    In general (we do not officially support it), our extension works with Ele Custom Skins. The only difference is that you are using a custom layout, and not the standard Classic or Cards layouts.


    Hi Trevor,

    yea amazing. now it works wonderfully. Thank you!


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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