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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results are displayin the same (and incorrect) search results no matter what

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  • Kathryn Dziurzynski

    Any search results show up as this page:

    With the “Winchester 21 No. 6 w/ Gold” at the top…

    Please help!

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, we do not have a method to integrate with Avada at this time, so this is a problem. For now the only option is our Shortcode method (the results appearance is basic, but, looking at your example page, could well meet your needs with a little customisation of the template).

    Also, we have other third party plugin integrations.

    We have in development (in final testing right now) an alternative integration method, which might work for you. I hope to know more later today about that.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kathryn Dziurzynski

    I’m sorry, I’m not understanding what you’re sending me…We have paid and set up Search and Filter Pro, we have them built and are using shortcodes on each page. When we go to filter (any option) it always shows the SAME page result, no matter the search or filter parameter selected…

    This is the page result:

    As you can see in the URL I selected to filter by Make and specifically “A.H. Fox” that should have 5 results/posts, but instead am receiving the page with the title “Merkel 203E Bulino Engraved 12 Gauge” and other unrelated options.

    I need help fixing this solution, not implementing something else…

    Does this make sense? I can provide you with the WordPress login, if that would be helpful.

    Trevor Moderator

    My apologies for being unclear.

    In our form setup, when using Avada, in the Display Settings tab, the As an Archive and the Post Type Archive display results methods will not work, as Avada is a complicate framework type of theme (that does not follow the normal WordPress method of using a single template for an archive page) for which we do not have an integration (an alternative means to connect to the page).

    There are alternative solutions, as I mentioned, but none of them using the Avada templates.

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