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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Restrict taxonomy terms to those relevant to selected CPT(s)

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  • Tom

    Hi there,

    Using the hide empty option to good effect, however keen to see if can go a level beyond and restrict the term options displayed (when giving a taxonomy filter) to only those relevant to the selected CPT(s).

    Example would be we have a very long list of companies that are relevant site-wide, but we’re offering a custom search & filter on a specific CPT – so would only want users to be able to select those associated with said CPT.

    Hide empty ‘plus’ as it were… so that terms not connected to the CPT in question are also skipped out.

    Is that possible?

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Whoops – renewed now!

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have a live page with a form on, and an example search that you refer to? What sort of page is it on? A taxonomy term archive page? Does the search form have the taxonomy in it?


    Site is currently PW protected – can provide if needs be?

    The basic layout is using the shortcode method…

    Search fields… settings restricts to a single CPT

    1. Text search
    2. Companies (Taxonomy)
    3. Region (Taxonomy)
    4. Countries (Taxonomy)
    4. Cities (Taxonomy)

    My question actually becomes relevant for all 2-4 as this CPT WILL have content relating to countries, but setting the main taxonomy term group as the selection means I pull in all countries – whereas I’d only want to show the list that’s relevant to the CPT – ’empty’ option only gets me so far as some countries not relevant to this CPT will be assigned to others… hope that makes sense?!

    Trevor Moderator
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
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