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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Reset button redirects

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  • Jordan Trainor


    I’ve got a problem with the reset button redirecting back to the home page. I’m using shortcodes for the results and the search forms. Not sure if it’s something I have done or with the plugin.

    Kind regards, Jordan.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jordan

    Have you checked that your Results URL is set correctly? Also, if you have any JS errors on your page this may cause a problem.

    Also, how are you displaying it as a button, or as a link? Try the opposite just to test.


    Jordan Trainor

    I just updated to the latest version and didn’t test the search. After the update the search doesn’t seem to work as it did before. I tried saving the permalinks again without success.

    Instead of appending something like ?_sf_s=test to the full path name, it’s removing the slug of the page that has the results shortcode in it. This means it is using the index.php style. It is also defaulting to the home page with an empty search term. I also tried saving a search form again to see if that resolved it, but unfortunately not.

    Thanks for your help.

    Ross Moderator

    Can you send me temporary login details, the link to the page with the search form on it, and the link to the page which should be showing your search results (in a private reply)?


    Jordan Trainor
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jordan Trainor
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jordan Trainor

    Hi, just wondering if you were able to login?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jordan

    I don’t think I’ll a chance to look today – if I can will – if not I’ll login over the weekend.


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jordan Trainor

    Hi, I’ve updated it for you to now check. Whenever a search is made it throws me back to the root of the site.

    Kind regards, jordan.

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