Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Reset button not resetting


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  • Anonymous

    Hi Trevor,
    My Reset button for S&F Pro quit resetting. It was working properly. I must have changed a setting. I can’t figure out how to make it work again. It resets the “All Items Label” but the actual page does not reset. I searched the forum but didn’t find the answer.

    Here’s a link where you can take a look if you don’t mind:

    Do you have any suggestions?

    Please let me know if it will be helpful for you to login to my site.

    You have helped me a lot. I sure appreciate it.
    Thank you.

    Rob N.


    It is because you have the setting on to stay in the archives page (on the Display Results tab). As such, there is no query to reset. If you look at the URL, it is changing to a new Category/Taxonomy archives page, but has no query string.


    Thank you for your help..even on a weekend.

    I appreciate it a lot.

    That solved the problem.

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