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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Reset button not clearing checkbox on mobile


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Whit Whitley

    This is happening only on mobile, all browsers. On desktop, it behaves as expected.

    If I check an item on mobile, the results displayed are correct.

    If I click the reset button, the results displayed are correct.

    BUT… the item I checked to filter REMAINS checked… so it’s confusing.

    This only happens on mobile.

    Here is the page –

    To replicate the problem, please visit URL on a mobile device, check an item, then click the reset button.

    Then, visit on desktop to see it working correctly.

    Thanks for you help, Whit

    Trevor Moderator

    It is because you have the form twice on the page (once for desktop and once for mobile) and they are conflicting with each other. You may well begin to notice other issues because of this. Generally, you can have the form on any give page only once, and then use custom CSS to style any differences you need between desktop and mobile. I believe that V3 (due in a few months) may offer a solution for this.

    Whit Whitley

    Thanks so much! Wondered if that could have been an issue.

    Trevor Moderator

    Has this resolved it for you, for now?

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