Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Removing a dropdown option if a value on another dropdown is selected

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  • Anonymous

    I have a website where it lists companies from around the world. On the search form, I added in 2 filters… Namely a COUNTRY DROPDOWN to view a specific country and a sort dropdown where users can sort by COMPANY NAME or by COUNTRY.

    My issue is this, if I select a specific country for example MALDIVES and on the second dropdown I select SORT BY COUNTRY, it says NO RESULTS FOUND.


    1) Is there a way where if I already selected a specific country on one dropdown, the sort by country option on the second dropdown gets disabled/hidden.


    2) Another option would be since I already selected a specific country, can the form just reload or do nothing if I select SORT BY COUNTRY on the second dropdown since its already filtered to one country?


    I suspect I know the problem, likely described here (with the solution):

    This post shows to make one dropdown react to a choice made in another:

    If you think that this is not the issue, are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

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