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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Remove sft from url and search option not available in drop down on mobile.

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  • Gurpreet Singh

    I have two different queries. I want to remove SFT from the URL to make it look more neat. I think this is note available yet and will be made available in V3. I want to know when is the V3 expected to be rolled out. I don’t want visitors reaching 404 page in later months using the present URL.

    My second question is: I have one drop-down that lists all the tags on my website. When i open that in laptop/pc, there is a search bar at the top of the dropdown to search among the tags, but when i open the same page in mobile/android I only get dropdown listing all the tags but the search bar is missing in the mobile phone. Please guide me so that i can fix this issue and please mention the expected date of V3 of search and filter pro.

    For a quick overview please visit:

    Trevor Moderator

    We are working hard on V3, and I am sorry that I cannot give a firm date. For V3, you will be required to have both the Free version of V3, and the Pro version will be an addon. The free version is 90% done, we are just working on the UI to bring it in line with current WordPress core coding look and feel.

    V3 Pro addon will come shortly after that. I think we have done the hard work, but ‘finishing’ is always time consuming.

    We are estimating two months, but I cannot be sure about that.

    You are using a combobox. Find our plugin settings, and find the combobox one and change it from Chosen to Select2. Select2 is better and will be the default in V3.

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