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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Remove filter text from url

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  • Karan S Kumar

    Hi Ross,

    Ran into another issue now.. I am using the SF in a page. once the user selects the dropdown, and click on Go, they go to a custom results page. But in the url, Its showing the filters used my the user. How can i hide those in the URL.

    Ross Moderator

    This is just the way it is for the first search if there is a redirect, otherwise how is it possible to know what the user has done, and what results to show?

    Its just he same as when you use google, the data gets added to the url.

    The only time the URL will not update in S&F is if you are using ajax, and you have “bookmarkable urls” off, AND, the “results container” is present on the same page the search form is initially used on…


    Karan S Kumar

    OK.. Cool thanks!

    Yes i have worked with ajax and it works great.. Was just wondering if there is any way to disable it.

    Thanks anyways!

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