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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Remove “All Categories” and replace with existing category


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  • Kwikstert Marko van der Merwe


    How can I remove the “all categories tab” on the filter bar and replace it with an existing category like “This months featured blogs”?

    Thanks for your help!

    Trevor Moderator

    Assuming that this is Post Categories, the easiest thing is to hide the All Categories with Custom CSS.

    .sf-field-category .sf-item-0 {
        display: none;

    But, if it is a custom taxonomy, the name would be different, so you would need to substitute the class .sf-field-category with whatever the taxonomy you are using has as a class in our form.

    Is ‘This months featured blogs’ a category already in the list? If it is, you may need to re-order the list of terms. This is not so easy, but would use this filter (there are many other snippets of code using this filter in our forum):

    Snippet search:

    But, what is not possible would be to pre-select that option on loading the form for the first time. I think that feature will arrive with V3 of our plugin in a few months time.

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