Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Relevanssi Premium 1.16

  • This topic has 23 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ross.
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  • Anonymous

    Since the update to Relevanssi Pro 1.16 filtering results with S&F Pro fails. No results are found.

    Relevanssi Premium has changed no only the way it hooks into the query ( filter the_posts instead of global $wp_query) but also some filter priorities. S&F Pro removes some of the filters to add/modify query arguments. My strong guess is the removal fails due to changed priorities and the Relevanssi defaults overwrite the filtered result set from S&F Pro. I haven’t verified this to save my customer some money and because S&F Pro officially integrates with Relevanssi which will need some modifications anyway due to the update.

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    In class Search_Filter_Third_Party you need to replace

    remove_filter(‘the_posts’, ‘relevanssi_query’);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’, 9);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’);
    remove_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘relevanssi_query_vars’);


    remove_filter(‘the_posts’, ‘relevanssi_query’, 99);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’, 10);
    remove_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘relevanssi_query_vars’);

    to make Relevanssi Premium 1.16 and above to play nicely with S&F Pro.

    Anyway this should be tested in more detail to make sure there are no further issues.





    It seems like we have the same problem with Relevanssi and Search and filter pro. This sounds like the solution for us too!

    Where am I suppose to add this code? Is it in the plugin files?

    In class Search_Filter_Third_Party you need to replace

    remove_filter(‘the_posts’, ‘relevanssi_query’);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’, 9);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’);
    remove_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘relevanssi_query_vars’);


    remove_filter(‘the_posts’, ‘relevanssi_query’, 99);
    remove_filter(‘posts_request’, ‘relevanssi_prevent_default_request’, 10);
    remove_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘relevanssi_query_vars’);

    When do you think this will be updated?

    Thanks a lot!


    Christoffer the code replacement would have to be done in /search-filter-pro/includes/class-search-filter-third-party.php within the function remove_relevanssi_defaults().

    But as I wrote this was just a quick research about the root cause of the problem I mentioned. More research has to be done to make sure the modification itself won’t cause other issues. Saying this I do not recommend applying this ‘patch’ for now especially if you are not a developer with good knowledge in wordpress plugin development and advanced knowledge of S&F and Relevanssi code.

    Please consider my post as a hint for Ross (S&F developer) as a starting point to save him time troubleshooting the issue.

    My recommendation is to downgrade to Relevanssi 1.15.4 until S&F gets an update to address the changes in Relevanssi 1.16. You can get previous versions of the plugin at


    @trevor can you please give an update on this issue? There is a new security update from relevanssi and it is time to update. So we need the fix asap.

    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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