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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Relationship don't work


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Vasilis Trapezanlidis

    I use filters for categories and tags.
    Each of my products belongs to one category and to one tag.
    I choose Relationship “OR” because I want when the visitor to click the category to filter only by category and when the visitor choose one tag to filter and see all products which have this tag and nothing else. Unfortunately this is not working.
    It’s urgent and I want your help as soon as possible.
    Thank you..

    Trevor Moderator

    You want the user to choose one category, and THEN choose a Tag that BELONGS to that Category?

    IF that si what you want, then you need to sue the AND relationship, have both Auto Count options on, and in the form setup for the Category and Tag fields, set Hide Empty to ON.

    Vasilis Trapezanlidis

    No, I don’t want this. I want the filters to work separately.

    For example if I have the categories desktop, tablet, mobile
    And the tags Apple, LG, ACER
    So, if I press Apple I want to see all the Apple product from all the categories, if after that press the category desktop I want to see only the Desktops from all the brands.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Vasilis Trapezanlidis
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    So, if I select:

    Category: Автоматические высокопроизводительные широкоформатные рулонные резаки

    and I select:

    Tag: APR Solutions

    I should see ONE product only?

    Vasilis Trapezanlidis

    Sorry, but I cannot make more clear !
    If you select Category: Автоматические высокопроизводительные широкоформатные рулонные резаки we should see all the products that belongs to this category.
    If after that we select the Tag: APR Solutions we should see ALL THE PRODUCTS of ALL THE CATEGORIES which produced by the company APR Solutions

    Trevor Moderator

    OK, I now understand.

    If you select Category (with NO tag selected): Автоматические высокопроизводительные широкоформатные рулонные резаки you see all the products that belongs to this category. This is 4 results.

    If you select the Tag (with NO Category selected, which means all categories are used): APR Solutions you see ALL THE PRODUCTS of the company APR Solutions. This is 9 results.

    With OR relationship selected, you then create a VENN diagram of results, where the results total must be minimum of (max of 4 and 9 is) 9 and maximum of 13 (add 9 + 4) results in theory. In this case there are 13. This is the expected behavior of OR operators in programming searches.

    If you wanted just the 9 results, then Category must be set to ALL instead when selecting a Tag, which means you would need to create some javascript to do this when a tag (other than All tags) is selected.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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