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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Refresh not working

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  • Marc Kuiper

    Hi, first of all thanks for making this great plugin, it’s very useful.

    Everything works fine, but when I load results with AJAX it doesn’t refresh (the URL changes, but not the content). It only works for the first hit, but then it breaks.

    Check out the search field on this website.


    Marc Kuiper
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
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    Marc Kuiper
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Marc

    I fixed the issue.

    I think there was something wrong with your ajax selector #content, it wasn’t working (perhaps there is something else on the page with the same ID)

    Anyway, in your archive.php I added

    <div id='search-filter-container'> inside <section id="content" class="archive"> and then in your search forms set the ajax selector to #search-filter-container


    Marc Kuiper

    Awesome! Thanks 🙂

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