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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Red Warning – Deactivate Search & Filter Form

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  • mhair

    When dragging the s&f form widget to a new content aware sidebar, it outlines the widget area with red dashes, and in red letters says “Deactivate Search & Filter Form”. Most times it would not stay in the side bar after drag and drop in order to save it. Other times it would, but the form doesn’t show up in the sidebar.

    Please help. Can find this mentioned anywhere.


    Trevor Moderator

    What version of the plugin are you using, what theme are you using, and do you see any javascript errors in the browser Console?



    The more I look at this, it likely doesn’t have anything to do with your plugin as I see the same when I try to add another widget. But have you ever seen anything like this before? Would post a screenshot if I could. I just happen to be using content aware sidebars if that matters. But googling, I haven’t found a single thing related to “wordpress available widgets screen red dashed box deactivate”. This is driving me nuts.

    BTW, I’m using Chrome on Windows 7, Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit). No JS errors in the console.


    Mark Hair
    Web Developer

    Trevor Moderator

    It is not something I have seen before. However, you could use the screen in accessibility mode instead, see the (general) advice on this web page:


    Hmm. Strangely, now it is working/saving fine so I can’t reproduce it. Something changed but I’m not sure what!

    Anyway, your suggestion and resource are very good and I will tuck it away for the next occurrence.



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