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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Rebuilding cache takes forever


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  • Ioannis Angelopoulos

    Hello there. I hope everyone is in fine health and mood.

    I am trying to edit one of the search forms and change its language (I am also using polylang).
    It seems to be changed but in the Cache box it says
    and below
    Please wait a moment…
    in yellow background.
    This takes forever! I checked the form after one hour and the message is the same.
    The caching setting in settings is set to medium speed.

    Is there anything I should do?

    Trevor Moderator

    I would change that speed to slow, and also switch off the background setting under it. If you have a lot of data, it may take a long time.

    Ioannis Angelopoulos

    Thank you Trevor

    I disabled The background processes and the cache re-build took a few minutes but it finished.

    When the background is ON then it takes forever. Any ideas what might be wrong with the server to check? (Linux Debian Server running PLESK).

    Trevor Moderator

    All I can say is that for some reason wp_remote_get() is failing, and it will be a server configuration issue. As to what it might be, I cannot say (if you check the WordPress support forums in general, you can see it is an often asked question, but no solutions). You might ask your hosting company, but they might not know either.

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