Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Rebuild the cache not working?


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  • Anonymous

    I’ve been testing a form with categories, authors and some custom fields that I created with Advanced Custom Fields. The form seems to be working for all fields except for the categories field (the category count is working). I thought I would try rebuilding the cache, but ended up with the following error message:


    Notice: you must leave this page open to complete caching

    Running background processes failed in this environment.



    To test things further, I created a new form with just categories. That form works fine, so I’m thinking it may have something to do with the error when trying to rebuild the cache.

    Any guidance would be great…thanks!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey semrocc

    Once you get past the error message, does it say the cache has completed?



    Hey Ross, after the error message goes away it says “Cache up to date, all systems go.”

    Also, after trying a few different things, I decided to try a different results template. I copied my code from the search.php and created a new template named search-advanced.php. I changed the results settings to use that template and then all of a sudden the categories were working.

    So now I have the form working, though the error message still shows when trying to rebuild the cache.

    Ross Moderator

    Great, glad its up and running 🙂

    RE the error, its really more of a warning/notice and is fine really.

    Basically, S&F uses the function wp_remote_get to build the cache in the background.

    However, in some environments, this is not available.

    This is either due to a hosting configuration, or more than likely because you are on a dev server – and the dev server is password protect – which blocks the function of wp_remote_get – all this means is you must leave the S&F screen open, so the cache can be built via ajax requests instead of wp_remote_get.

    Hope that makes sense



    Thanks for the update Ross…much appreciated!

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