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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Re-initialize plugin JS – Swup


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  • Ryan Dean-Corke


    I’m using SWUP on the site I’m developing, and a key part of this sort of page transition approach is re-initializing the JS on every page load.

    Everything’s fine with the filter if I land on a page initially, but if I navigate to it from another page it doesn’t initialize the JS for any wordpress plugins. This is easy do deal with for any JS in my theme, but I wondered if you’re aware of any technique do the same for wordpress, or specifically your plugin?

    Appreciate this is a long shot, and most likely out of your remit/responsibility, but if the issue has come up in the past I’d certainly appreciate any help or advice you can offer.

    Thanks in advance,

    Trevor Moderator

    For our plugin, after an ajax call, you can use a script like this:

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    // so load your scripts/function here again

    If you have Auto Count enabled, this might refresh the form, and so the above code would change to use sf:ajaxformfinish

    As to WordPress, I cannot answer that.

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