Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro range slider – min and max value by taxonomy

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  • Anonymous

    Hello. I’m using S&F pro on a real estate website. We have 3 taxonomies for the items: rentals, apartments, houses. Each taxonomy has its own archive page with its own search form.

    I am trying to filter by meta value “price” (ACF), but the “auto detect” feature of the min/max value just grabs the min/max meta value for the post type, and not for the current taxonomy.

    Is there a way to make the min/max autodetect feature work only within the current taxonomy?

    Thank you! 🙂


    The values shown in the slider do not react to Auto Count and other filter changes (which is what would be happening on taxonomy archive pages).

    This is intentional (for now), but we may offer other behaviors in V3.

    I set out a detailed explanation in this post:

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