Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Range slider for taxonomies

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  • Anonymous


    I have a large “products” custom post type with lots of taxonomies, for example “Product Dimensions” which have digits as values. I would need a range slider for that taxonomy and its subcategories, but I only get Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio Button and Multi Select. Any way to add a range slider?

    With best regards,

    Roni Laukkarinen

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Roni

    I’m afraid not.

    Taxonomies are generally used to group data together, or categorise it in some way – so usually are not used for numerical comparisons.

    Its for this reason why I haven’t yet implemented anything like this for taxonomy fields.

    What you would need to do is create custom fields (post meta) for your products, and the numerical data could be stored there and used in things like the range slider.


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    Ross Moderator
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