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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Range Number Issues

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Allaedin Ghassemi


    I have some problems with the range number field. See this website to check for yourself:

    1. When I change the values of the range number field (on my page it’s called “Leistung [W]”) and then click the reset button, the initial values of the range number field are not reset.

    2. I activated the ajax function, which works perfectly. However, when I try to type in a number I have very little time to do so, otherwise the results are updated before I finished my input. Can I increase the time before search and filter is submitting my input? (I think now it’s around 2 seconds, would be glad to increase it to 4 or even 5 seconds)

    thanks for your help and your great plugin, best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    I think we are aware of this bug. I suggest for now, to avoid bad usability, to change the Display values as setting in your meta field, and change this to plain text and let me know if this works? I might need to see the field settings for the slider also.

    Allaedin Ghassemi

    Hi Trevor,

    I’m not sure what you mean with the “Display values as”-setting. To which setting do you refer? I couldn’t find it anywhere…

    Could you help me also with my second question?

    Best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    At this time, there is no option to edit/change the delay before it auto submits. In my earlier reply, I was actually suggesting only using the slider and only displaying the numbers, not allowing them to be typed in.

    Allaedin Ghassemi

    Hi Trevor,

    but I don’t want to use a slider, for the Website to work properly it’s neccessary to be able to put in specific numbers. That seems like a major bug and it would be nice, if you could fix it.

    Best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    To prevent #2 from your fist post, you would have to disable Auto Submit and instead have a Submit button. Given that you have the user entering data in this way, I would strongly suggest that.

    I will need to refer this to the developer, Ross, to look at the Reset issue.

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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