Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Randomize Search Results

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    Hi team!

    My client would like me to randomize the search results. Does anyone have any tips and tricks as to how I can tweak results.php to present the search results in a random order each time the results are displayed?

    Many thanks in advance!



    Just an update here.

    I realize that I can add “Sort Order” field to the search form but:
    1. I do not want to give the users the option to choose
    2. I want the default sort order to be random.

    Thanks! 🙂


    In the Form Settings, go to the posts tab. In the sort options you can choose random. BEWARE though. WordPress will randomly select posts for EACH page, and so you may see the same post on more than one page. It re-randomizes the posts on each change of page in the pagination.


    I completely missed that option!

    Thanks again for your awesomeness!

    This topic can now be closed.


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