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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro random results with pagination.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • dann hanks

    Hi, I am using random for my search results but when you move from page to page with pagination, it forgets the initial random order and randomises them each time.

    is there any way to get around this?


    Trevor Moderator

    It is, sadly, the default WordPress behaviour. But, this might work … If you were using our shortcode method, you would have access to the results.php file.

    This would mean, before you starting looping through the results array $query you could use the PHP shuffle function. I think. I have never tried this. YMMV.

    Yoran Heij

    Hey both,
    I ran into the same problem, and even though Trevor suggested to change some of the code to work around it, I have no idea where to start with it (own php knowledge limitation).

    A few more details would be awesome, or Danns solution if the problem has been solved on his end.

    Trevor Moderator

    I have no simple answer to the need, I am sorry.

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