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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Random Order Causing Duplicates


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Mike Doble

    When I choose to display results in a random order in either infinity scroll or normal pagination I am getting duplicate results. This happens with the default template and with my own custom one. Does this not work properly?

    Trevor Moderator

    Whilst it appears an odd thing to do, WordPress places a random assortment of posts on each page. So, yes, the same post can appear on multiple pages. With some incredibly complex coding it can be ‘fixed’ to work how you would expect it to.

    I think this user may have succeeded:

    Pedro Rivera

    Mike and Trevor, I’m facing exactly the same issue. The code provided on the link didn’t work for me 🙁

    Trevor Moderator

    Pedro. Sadly, the other user’s code is very complex and well outside the scope of our support. The WordPress random sort order is what it is, and not something we can change.

    Pedro Rivera

    Oh, that’s really sad.

    It would be polite to warn users that “WordPress random sort order is what it is” on the screen where we choose the random order and the plugin won’t handle it as expected, avoiding frustrated customers.

    Trevor Moderator

    We are working on V3 of our plugin, and that includes the UI, so I will be sure to make a note about that.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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