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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Query another WordPress table

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  • François


    I’ve bought this plugin a few hours ago and it does the job very well. Thank you!
    We are developing a WP site on which people can order shows from different artists.

    Thanks to this plugin people can easily look for some shows based on words, categories, etc…
    In our case, one searchfield is missing : the availability date. For each shows the unavailable date are already stored in another WordPress table.

    My question is : how can I add create a new search field in the form and update the the existing query created by your plugin to find all the shows which doesn’t contain the specified date ? How can I do this ?

    Thank you for your help,


    I need to specify that the unavailable dates are not saved in a custom field.
    It’s just another WordPress table containing :id of the show and its unavailable dates.


    Should I use the filter – edit Query Argument ?

    Maybe it’s the way to do but I wonder how can I create a new datepicker field in the form ?

    Thank you for you help!

    Trevor Moderator

    Without custom coding, this isn’t possible within the plugin, as the plugin searches the posts table.


    Hi Trevor,

    Thank you for your answer. Yes I’ll do some custom coding but I’m asking you how should I start ?
    – How can I create a new datepicker field withing a Search & Filter Pro form ?
    – How can I update the query generated by the plugin ? Should I use the filter – edit Query Argument ?

    Thank you for your help!

    Trevor Moderator

    I do not think that you can. You may need to consider how your data is structured. Why did you use a separate table for this data?


    An external booking system saves the booked date in a WordPress table.

    Then when someone loads the product page WordPress reads them and block a datepicker field so people can’t select these dates anymore.

    Now, I would like to use your plugin to query on these dates as well. Is my request more clear for you now? It’s well a WordPress table. I just need to figure out how to query on them while using Search & Filter Pro form.

    Thank you Trevor.

    Trevor Moderator

    I will have to ask the developer if this can be done and if so, how. I will refer it to him.


    Ok super, thank you very much!


    Trevor, I want to be clear. I’m not asking for your developer to do the job for me but to explain me how he would do from what he knows from your plugin.

    Don’t forget to tell him that I can check for each show if it’s available or not based on the show ID (custom post ID).

    I just need to know :
    – how to add a datepicker field in an existing Search & Filter Pro form,
    – how to modify the query created by your plugin or how to update the results of that query before it displays all the results.

    Thank you very much.

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