Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Query ACF Custom Database Tables

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  • Anonymous


    Would it be possible to make this plugin compatible with Hookturn’s ACF Custom Database Tables? ( so that I can query ACF Custom Data, which is stored in structured database tables instead of WordPress’ core meta tables.

    Thank you!


    I am sorry, that would not be possible at this time.


    I was looking at asking this very question. I’m using ACF, Search and Filter Pro and Relevanssi but none of my posts were returning in the search.

    Ultimately I’ve had to decide to override a few main fields to store in the postmeta, but as the site get’s bigger it’ll have an effect.

    Is there no possibility of this in the future? Search is the only area I have to save the data to the postmeta.



    I cannot say it will never be possible, but it is not on our roadmap, sorry.

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