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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Product's Attribute Search

Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)
  • Christian Nießing

    any info?!!!

    Ross Moderator

    I actually can’t see it – I guess it would have been under “products” -> “attributes”

    I have actually downloaded the latest version of WooCommerce and S&F and my attributes are showing up fine as Taxonomies…..

    What versions are you using?


    Christian Nießing

    see my video. latest version of both but no attributes…

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Christian

    Its odd I’m not sure what the issue is then – unless something is modifying this setting in your setup.

    I tracked down where WooCommerce creates this – plugins\woocommerce\includes\class-wc-post-types.php you *could* change the code but obv you shouldn’t be hacking a plugin…

    I believe this is a filter you could use:


    Looking at the code, the public value is actually controlled by the “enable archive” option on your attributes page (“archive aktivieren”)

    I think that shoudl do the trick.


    Christian Nießing

    hey, thanks “enable archive” did the trick!

    Now all attributes are shown.

    unfortunately the search doesn’t deliver any result!? D
    Do you know what I am doing wrong?

    For every group of attributes I created a new taxonomy in filter settings. I let everything in basic settings.

    For testing, I gave one product all attributes available. I also ticked “visible on product page”

    I there anything I am doing wrong?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Christian

    I’m wondering, are you using this for your woocommerce store?

    The beta I’m working on provides integration directly with the woocommerce store itself!

    Should save a lot of headache if you want to give it a spin!


    Christian Nießing

    Hi Ross,
    yes I am using it for woocommerce store with deactivated cart but to show products. Can you provide the beta to me? That would be awesome!

    Ross Moderator

    Sent beta to you 🙂 Keep in touch RE beta via email.


Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)

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