Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Product category not working

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Search & Filter Pro support,

    At the moment we’re working on and we’re using Search & Filter Pro to create a filter for WooCommerce.

    Everything seems to work fine except for the category’s. We have made a form and included product_category as a taxonomy but when you choose either accessoires or kurio tab lite the URL changes to /product-categorie and you’ll see only one of the items that you’re supposed to see.

    Also as soon as you click Reset or simply uncheck the box you’ll be brought to the archive page (of either accessoires or kurio tab lite in this case) where there’s no styling or filter available.

    Can you please tell us how to fix this?

    Best regards,
    Robin Peek


    For Curio, there should be 3. You will notice that the URL also includes a price filter. When you use a slider like this, any posts with no value become excluded from the search. I would guess that the other two do not have prices?


    Hi Trevor,

    Checking the box Kurio Tab Lite should show 3 products indeed, the other check should show 6 products. These 9 products are all the products that are in WooCommerce at the moment and they all have a price.

    Best regards,
    Robin Peek


    Are you search Products only, or Products and Variations?


    We only have those 9 products and those products do have some product characteristics. But we don’t use any variations.

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    The shop page is the home page. Is this page designed in Divi? I ask because I can see the products container is called left-area, whereas for a WooCommerce store it is always called products


    Hi Trevor,

    At the moment it’s the homepage but we’re probably going to make another homepage. The shop page has been made custom by using an archive-product.php

    Best regards,
    Robin Peek


    That custom template might be the issue then. Are you able to test it with a standard template on a separate shop page?

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