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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problems with Search & Filter plugin and Avada theme

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Steve Jones

    Hi, Ok i think i need to just not use the avada search function and switch to using an actual page for my results with the shortcode on.

    1 thing I want to do is add a simple search box on the menu to input your search word, then loads the page with the results with filtering options. Is there a way to just grab the input box from the search form to use on the menu when a small magnifying glass icon is clicked?

    Trevor Moderator

    You could make a form with just the search box on and add that to the menu using a shortcode? Then on the results page, have a bigger form (which must have a search box plus any other fields you need. I think it is possible to style the submit button to have a search icon. For now just test it with the letter ‘S’ and somewhere on this forum is an example how to have a search icon instead. Ah, here:

    Steve Jones

    Hi thanks for that. ive used a form called search box. the results are then show on a page with the shortcode and filtering options in a sidebar widget – both of the other form which has the filtering i need, thats all fine.

    I’ll check out the menu options and icons next.

    One thing though, the menu search box is also a feature on the sidebar on many pages – ie. just a search box.
    One question, how do I stop the page loading of to the results page as soon as i start typing? It doesn’t let me finish the words im trying to type.

    Trevor Moderator

    Switch off Auto Submit.

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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