Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problems with dropdown and custom post type values

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  • Anonymous

    I’m trying to activate a search form with a “Post Type”, input type “dropdown” and selected the checkbox for that specific post type.
    However, in the page of the website where is available the form, I can’t see in the dropdown all the list but only a unique value, the name of the custom post type.

    I’ve a custom post type “medical laboratory” (created with CPT UI and ACF), and I’d like to have in the dropdown all the names of the medical labs.
    Is there a tutorial to explain me how to do it?


    It was necessary to use “Post Meta”.


    I wonder if this is the issue:

    Note that, with fields made by ACF, when selecting the meta key, note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this (in this example for a field named ‘land’):

    #1 _land
    #2 field_52f0fc4334f52
    #3 land

    In our Meta Key selection list, you need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2.




    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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