Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problems when using date and timestamp via ACF

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  • Anonymous


    we’re using a script writing timestamps in an ACF Field “event_date”.

    We are using Search And Filter in the shortcode mode.
    When we try to filter the posts by event_date it only works if we use “Choice” / Dropdown and tick the boxe “Is ACF Field” and “Get Options” autmatically.

    But we want to use the “Date” Feature with our timestamps. If we use it like this there are no proper results.

    How to fix this?

    Thank you very much.

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    I will send you credentials. We get the data from and external XML-File. We get a timestamp and this timestamp is written in posts_meta table via Advanced Custom Fields. The value is saved as a string.

    When I debug the ajax call I can see that the Date-Filter sends a date like this “24042021” so it looks like the filter isn’t searching for the timestamp.

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Yes I know that it’s working when used as a dropdown.

    So when I want to use the date feature I have to save the String like this YYYYMMDD -> 20220524?
    So when I have a string like 20220524 in the posts_meta it will find the date??


    If all is well, yes, that is the case.

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