Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with results of a search and then applying filters

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ross, no joy with changing the settings you mentioned. I’m not really sure where else to look as it doesn’t seem like this is theme specific. I also tried disabling relevanssi and installed another simple plugin called Search By Product tag – for Woocommerce, and this caused exactly the same problem. I don’t know if this is an indicator where the problem might lie?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    The only other search plugin I know this is compatible with is Relevanssi, as I’ve specifically programmed in support for it.

    I think it is theme specific as there are a good few users using the two together, and I have a few sites which use S&F & relevanssi and are working fine.

    Can you create the test page I mentioned earlier and send me a link?

    Follow the “a quick tutorial”, create a very basic page with results (exactly as per instructions) and send me the link – I’m hoping this will work, and then you will just have to style your search results 🙂



    Hi Ross,

    Here’s the test page as per your instructions;
    I didn’t apply and styling so the original s&f form is also showing in the sidebar.
    Unfortunately, it still has the same problem; the filter works fine until you search for a word and then it doesn’t update after this initial search. I also tried the 2013,2014,2015 themes and had the same problem.

    Sorry this one is such a pain and I truly appreciate your perseverance with this 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    To me this is working?

    Ignore (or remove the search bar on the left)

    See this this search here using teh search bar in the middle of the page:



    Hi Ross,

    It looks like those 2 examples are for filtering results without using a search? I think that part is working fine. What I can’t do is, for example, use the word ‘kata’ to do a preliminary search, which should bring up 15 results, and then to use the filter options to further refine the results, e.g portrait or landscape. The ajax looks like it’s doing something but the results never change from that point on. I’m not sure if this makes sense?! So it’s literally a search using a keyword or tag and then a filter.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    This all does seem strange (and confusing)..

    These are the only things I can think of trying next, if not you will have found a bug in S&F… :/

    1) Disable plugins – disable all your other plugins and see if hte problem persists

    2) Change theme – change your theme to a default WP theme – tell me if the problem still exists – it should definitely work here with plugins disabled and default theme

    3) Finally, if there is a bug, it sounds like it *may* be to do with meta fields, I have a few suggestions but lets tick off the other points first.



    Hi Ross,

    Sorry this one is dragging on so long. Here’s the results of my tests;

    – When all of the plugins are disabled it works perfectly i.e I can search using a particular word and then use the filters to further refine it. When I enable Relevanssi I then have the problems that I described before.

    – I also tried this with the default themes such as twenty fifteen/fourteen etc and had the same results; working fine when Relevanssi is disabled.

    Hope this is of some help!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Mike

    this is tricky – I’ll probably need to login to your site and take a poke around – I’m away until end of next week now though so will be in touch on my return.



    No problem, Ross. Chat next week when you are back.


    Hi Ross, just wondering if you have time now to take a look at this?

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