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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with Custom Layouts

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  • chinesenetworksucl-ac-uk

    Good morning!

    Something has happened to the layout settings on our page. I had it set to 3 columns and equal height rows but I think there was an update over the weekend and now all the posts are showing in one column and all the boxes are different sizes again. I have tried to update the layout settings again and whilst the settings have updated, the page hasn’t updated. This is the page:

    Many thanks,

    Trevor Moderator

    I had the same thing happen with my test site. It happened because we added responsive columns options to the layout.

    You can now specify how many columns for Wide Screens, Normal Screens, Laptops/Tablets, and Small screen phones.

    Also, you need to set the breakpoints for these in the plugin settings page. The Custom Layouts WordPress plugin page has some animated gifs that show these new features, I believe.

    I am not sure, but you also appear to have some page optimization going on. Is a plugin removing the query strings from static resources? It looks like that is possible, and maybe old CSS files are being used.

    If so, this suggests a browser caching issue, so you may need to bypass the browser cache:


    Hi Trevor,

    Changing the breakpoint to 1200 fixed it!

    Many thanks,

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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