Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro problem getting results

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  • Anonymous

    This error is being displayed only when i activate the S&F PRO plugin.
    With the free S&F it didn’t happened.

    You copied and pasted your last answer but with no solution.
    Please tell me what can i do to fix it.

    Ross Moderator

    Hmm I had another look.

    When search & filter is activated, like most plugins, it checks for the necessary tables, and creates them automatically.

    We use the WordPress function dbDelta:

    Now it seems for some reason in your environment this is not working- it just fails silently.

    This is most unusual, this has never been reported before, so I’m thinking its something to do with your environment.

    The quickest workaround to fix this would be to manually create the tables in your database.

    If I supply some SQL code, are you happy to add this to your DB via something like phpmyadmin?


    Ross Moderator

    PS, you are right, S&F free doesn’t require this – there is no cache in S&F free – one of the advantages of pro 😉


    If it will fix things around and make it work, no probs.
    Supply the SQL.

    But please be as friendly as you can with the code.

    Is the problem will happen every site i install this plugin?

    Ross Moderator

    Considering it has not happened before, to any user, I think its safe to say this is a one off 🙂

    You need to create 2 tables.

    In phpMyAdmin, click on your database in the left side of the screen.

    Once you see a list of tables, hit the SQL tab.

    Then paste each code separately and hit go.

    CREATE TABLE wp_search_filter_cache (
    	id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    	post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    	post_parent_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    	field_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    	field_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    	field_value_num bigint(20) NULL,
    	field_parent_num bigint(20) NULL,
    	term_parent_id bigint(20) NULL,
    	PRIMARY KEY  (id),
    	KEY field_name_index (field_name),
    	KEY field_value_index (field_value),
    	KEY field_value_num_index (field_value_num)


    CREATE TABLE wp_search_filter_term_results (
    	id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    	field_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    	field_value varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    	field_value_num bigint(20) NULL,
    	result_ids text NOT NULL,
    	PRIMARY KEY  (id),
    	KEY field_name_index (field_name),
    	KEY field_value_index (field_value),
    	KEY field_value_num_index (field_value)

    Obviously the wp_ prefix to the table names needs to match your environment.



    Again…no luck.
    Nothing happens on the results side.
    When im updating im getting this message:

    What can be the problem with my environment?
    Is there any thing else i can do? does all of my settings are configured properly?
    Its really frustrating…


    Great news!
    I have deleted both free S&F and the PRO,
    installed again the PRO version but didn’t activated it,
    build the DB with the missing tables that you supplied,
    activated the plugin….and baaaaaaaaaaaaam it works!!!

    I’m reaching a “blog” page and the URL structure is not as the free version.
    Is there a way to make the act as the free version???
    I bought the PRO version because i needed to have a relationship between the dropdowns, but i wasn’t aware to the fact that it will change my whole structure.

    For example, if i choose only one dropdown:

    If the URL structure looked like that:

    Now it looks like that:

    if the BODY tag looked like that on the free version:
    <body class=”rtl archive tax-trip_type term-36 logged-in admin-bar group-blog customize-support”>

    now it looks like that:
    <body class=”rtl blog logged-in admin-bar group-blog customize-support”>

    This causes me a huge amount of client side problems.

    Sorry for the long post…hope you can find a solution for the above issues.



    Hey, is there a solution for the above???

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    Ok so just to explain a little.

    S&F Pro doesn’t work completely the same way as free – I’ve had to change some things in order to add the new features, such as ajax and various other things.

    You can see this behavior in the demos:

    It sounds like the real thing you need to do is get those classes added to the body tag.

    To manually add the different body tags to your pages you would likely need to use a combination of:


    Hope that helps


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