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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro PRO Plugin Sort on price not working correctly


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  • Rob Abrahams


    If we use the plugin for price low > high, the plugin then works good on the first page. But if you see the second page, its not working with the first page togheter.

    Example, look at the first and second page. The price starts at a bad price on the second page (those products need to be on the first page).

    If you need login credentials, I can give it to you, this is a test server.

    Trevor Moderator

    The orderby in that query string is not from our plugin. For now, try changing a setting on the Display Results tab of the form. Find the Ajax Container settings, currently set to #main, and change that to .results

    Rob Abrahams


    I am talking about this setting:

    But what happen is that the first page looks okay, but if you go to the second page. Then you will see cheaper prices then the highest prices from page one.

    I changed the ajax setting from #main to .results but that didn’t change the working.

    Trevor Moderator

    You are setting the default sort order there. But, you are setting two opposing rules? Both rules use the same meta key. You can see each key only once.

    Rob Abrahams

    I changed the setting back to:
    But the problem still exist. On page 1 the prices are higher at the end then the beginning of page 2.

    We can create you an account if needed (test server).
    But I don’t know why he is not sorting “ALL” products instead of just 1 page, 1 page, 1 page.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rob Abrahams
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I see that the search page you gave me is a product category archive page. Can you please add Taxonomy -> Product Category to the form? Do not worry if you want this hidden, we can do this later with Custom CSS.

    Rob Abrahams

    I added product_cat as taxonomy:

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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