Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Prices – change ranges to custom


  • This topic has 24 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous
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    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks Ross, a dropdown with the 3 below options sound great !
    0-100 kr
    101-250 kr
    250 kr and up

    But can you help me write the function ?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Thomas

    I just did a test, this code, replaces the 4 th option in a list, with what you mention:

    function update_field_options($input_object, $sfid){
    	// ensure we are only filtering the correct field name - in this case the field we want to filter has the name '_sft_post_tag'
    	if( $input_object['name'] != '_sfm_price' ) {
    		return $input_object;
    	// if we want to filter the options generated, we need to make sure the options variable actually exists before proceeding (its only available to certain field types)
    	if( ! isset( $input_object['options'] ) ) {
    		return $input_object;
    	// this is an array of all the options, we can remove them all, recreate them, etc
    	// var_dump( $input_object['options'] );
    	// we know the option you want to replace is the 4th one in the list (including the default), so we can do :
    	if ( isset ( $input_object['options'][3] ) ) {
    		$new_option = new StdClass();
    		$new_option->value = "250+10000000";
    		$new_option->label = "250 kr and up";
    		$input_object['options'][3] = $new_option;
    	return $input_object;
    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'update_field_options', 10, 2);

    That should get you going 🙂

    Read the comments for a few clues.


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