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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Present Search Form as Navigation Rather than Dropdowns

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  • Jesse Hodges

    Hi there –
    I have a search form with half a dozen Post Meta filters (ACF for what it is worth).
    I would like to present each of these filters as a page that a user can navigate through to their next filter. For example, the first page would be a Color page and I would choose Brown. The next page would be a Size page and I would choose Medium. I would then be presented with the collection of clothing that is Medium and Brown.

    I don’t need help with the pages or the UI. I need help obtaining the options from SaFP for each of the steps along the way.

    Is there an upgrade safe way to go about this? I’m a fairly competent developer.

    Trevor Moderator

    Each page would need its own form, with the filter for that page, and also the filters for each preceding page (if needed, use CSS to hide the preceding ones). The Results URL for each form would point to the next page in the sequence. If the results would always be shown by going to the next page, Ajax should generally be OFF, as should Auto Submit (instead have a Submit button).

    Be wary of what would happen for a No Results scenario, so make sure Auto Count is ON and Hide Empty in each field to minimize this risk.

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