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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Preselecting Filter

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Tom Gabrysiak

    Is it possible to preselect a filter value on page load. I’m using Ajax results load method.

    I wanted to have several links within website that link to a page with pre filtered results.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Tom, do you mean so that the search already has some options preselected in the dropdowns etc, or so that there are some default “contraints” for example, the search will only search in specified categories, regardless of user selected filters?

    Tom Gabrysiak

    Lets say I have custom post type “Cars” then a few categories like “Sports, Exotic, Antique”. The categories are going to be a filter drop drop down. On another totally separate page I want to include a link to “exotic cars”. When user clicks link I would like the “exotic” category option to be selected upon page load.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Tom

    If you are not using ajax, then the best way to do this is to go to your search page, leave everything blank but change to “exotic cars”, then press search.

    You can then copy and paste this URL and it will always have exotic cars selected.

    It is not possible with Ajax for now but I plan to add it sometime down the line.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Tom

    Just to update you, the next version supports this same method for above ajax – it should be released in the next couple of days.


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