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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Prefix values in options


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • David Perez

    Could i prefix values in options to be selected in the filter?

    Trevor Moderator

    You could do it using this filter:

    You need to loop through and add to the label. I am not sure if this affects any label like ‘All Categories’. If it does, you can exclude it from the loop because it is always the first one in the array.

    David Perez

    Ok! so how could I make a checked option?

    add_filter( ‘sf_input_object_pre’, ‘filter_function_name’, 10, 2 );
    function filter_function_name( $input_object, $sfid )
    if ( $input_object[‘name’]==’_sfm_aff_price_type’ ) {
    //udpate this field before rendering

    return $input_object;

    It returns this object:
    [name] => _sfm_aff_price_type
    [defaults] => Array
    [0] =>

    [options] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [label] => Mensual
    [count] => -1
    [attributes] => Array
    [class] => sf-level-0

    [value] => month

    [1] => stdClass Object
    [label] => Trimestral
    [count] => -1
    [attributes] => Array
    [class] => sf-level-0

    [value] => quaterly


    [attributes] => Array
    [data-operator] => and
    [class] =>

    [accessibility_label] =>
    [type] => checkbox
    [input_class] => sf-input-checkbox

    Which value do I have to change to make month checked in radio?

    David Perez

    Could you help me?

    Trevor Moderator

    Sorry, I am working my way through a backlog. I had thought you meant to prefix the label with a text string, but it appears you want to do something different?

    Could you explain in detail what type of field you are starting with, and what you are trying to do to it?

    David Perez

    Yep. I’d like to have a filter already defined by default. It’s a checkbox to select options.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. I am sorry, that isn’t possible. We hope to be able to introduce the option to set a default (pre-selected) value (in the absence of a user selection) during the V3 release cycle (V3.0 will be a few months yet) and, similarly, checkboxes in a dropdown select field.

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