Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Posts in elementor do not work

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I have added the elementor extension on my site and now testing a elementor pro post block. I have checked everything 10 times, the query is set in the edit post etc..
    If you check you can see that whatever selection you choose, all the posts remain visible.
    If I display the results in a shortcode the selections do work as expected…

    Any idea what the problem is?
    cheers, jeroen

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jeroen

    It looks like you didn’t set your Results URL in the Display Results tab?



    Hi ross, thanks for your quick reply. I want the results to load in the same page, the same way I use it with a resylts shortcode. Isn’t that possible?


    ross, i see now that the result page can be the same page as the starting point, now it works
    cheers, jeroen

    Ross Moderator

    Great stuff, glad you got setup 🙂

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