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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post_meta checkboxes

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  • sebbur

    I use Search & Filter Pro combined with ACT. I use ACT to create parameters with meta data that i need for the filtering. I create a checkbox-list with a number of different alternatives for my posts with ACT.

    After i have checked the alternatives i want in my posts i add them to the filtering with the Post_meta function. In post_meta i use the settings Choice > Checkbox and then i use the “Auto suggest”-function to add the checkboxes.

    It works well to begin with but at some point it stops working. No matter which checkbox i click it returns zero results, even those that worked earlier.

    I need around 10 Post_meta filters in my search and the last time i tried it stopped working after i added the fourth Post_meta. But i dont know if the number of Post_meta filters is the problem because it still didnt work after i deleted the fourth.

    Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong?

    Here is my settings (if it ‘ll help)

    S&F Pro:

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    S&F sometimes has a problem when detecting if post meta data is serialised or not.

    I’ve patched this and sent you an email with a fix (please see the “is serialised” option in your post meta fields).

    Just so you know, S&F 2.0 is out soon which fixes the issue permanently and again removes the need for the “is serialised” option.



    Ah that did it! Thank you very much! 🙂

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