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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Type Archive / Taxonomies showing other post types

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  • Ami

    Hi! I have a taxonomy shared between two post types. This taxonomy is included in my S&F form that’s a post type archive. Only one post type is selected on the S&F form. The box for “Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives?” is checked. So, I’d expect that the filtering and search form would only return the one selected post type. Can you help me to figure out why it’s including both?

    Will follow up with a private reply, and picture of my settings in case it’s something stupid!

    Thank you!

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    Trevor Moderator


    It is because you had (I have disabled it it for now) this setting checked (ON):

    Template Options -> Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives?

    That will only work properly if the taxonomy in question is attached to only one post type.


    Awesome – thank you SO much!

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