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Tagged: post type archive
- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by Trevor.
Anonymous(Private) August 13, 2019 at 9:02 pm #218920
Using post type archive is there a way to display a custom message if no data is displayed?
Trevor(Private) August 14, 2019 at 9:35 am #218940Is the search otherwise working?
I can see that you are using the Avada theme with a child theme I think. Do you have access to the theme template that is making this page?
If so, can you make this available to me on a file sharing site (like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc), as my guess is that it isn’t coded to handle ‘No Results’, but I may be able to fix that for you?
Anonymous(Private) September 27, 2019 at 8:53 pm #222258I believe its this file is archive portfolio layout. which is located in: /plugins/fusion-core/templates/
Trevor(Private) September 30, 2019 at 3:33 pm #222375This is how I would change it:
<?php /** * Portfolio Template. * * @package Fusion-Core */ // Do not allow directly accessing this file. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit( 'Direct script access denied.' ); } if ( ! class_exists( 'Avada' ) ) { exit( 'This feature requires the Avada theme.' ); } ?> <?php global $wp_query, $fusion_library; // Get main settings and mofify as needed. $portfolio_layout_setting = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_layout' ); $portfolio_one_column_text_pos = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_one_column_text_position' ); $portfolio_text_layout = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_text_layout' ); $portfolio_content_length = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_content_length' ); $portfolio_text_alignment = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_text_alignment' ); $portfolio_columns_int = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_columns' ); $portfolio_column_spacing = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_column_spacing' ); $portfolio_pagination_type = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_pagination_type' ); $portfolio_image_size = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_featured_image_size' ); $portfolio_image_size_set = $portfolio_image_size; $lazy_load = Avada()->settings->get( 'lazy_load' ); if ( ! $portfolio_text_layout ) { $portfolio_text_layout = 'unboxed'; } switch ( $portfolio_columns_int ) { case 1: $portfolio_columns = 'one'; break; case 2: $portfolio_columns = 'two'; break; case 3: $portfolio_columns = 'three'; break; case 4: $portfolio_columns = 'four'; break; case 5: $portfolio_columns = 'five'; break; case 6: $portfolio_columns = 'six'; break; } $portfolio_layout = 'fusion-portfolio-' . $portfolio_columns; // Set the portfolio main classes. $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio fusion-portfolio-archive'; $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-layout-' . $portfolio_layout_setting; $portfolio_classes[] = $portfolio_layout; // If one column layout is used, add special class for text/notext and floated. if ( 'one' === $portfolio_columns ) { if ( 'no_text' === $portfolio_text_layout ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-one-nontext'; } elseif ( 'floated' === $portfolio_one_column_text_pos && 'grid' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-text-floated'; } } // For text layouts add the class for boxed/unboxed. if ( 'no_text' !== $portfolio_text_layout ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-' . $portfolio_text_layout; $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-text'; $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-text-' . $portfolio_text_alignment; } // Add class if rollover is enabled. if ( $fusion_settings->get( 'image_rollover' ) ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-rollover'; } // Set the correct image size. $portfolio_image_size = 'portfolio-' . $portfolio_columns; // Portfolio-four no longer exists. if ( 'four' === $portfolio_columns ) { $portfolio_image_size = 'portfolio-three'; } // Portfolio-six no longer exists. if ( 'six' === $portfolio_columns ) { $portfolio_image_size = 'portfolio-five'; } if ( 'full' === $portfolio_image_size_set || 'masonry' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) { $portfolio_image_size = 'full'; } $post_featured_image_size_dimensions = avada_get_image_size_dimensions( $portfolio_image_size ); // Get the column spacing. $column_spacing_class = ' fusion-col-spacing'; $column_spacing = ' style="padding:' . ( (int) ( $portfolio_column_spacing / 2 ) ) . 'px;"'; if ( 'one' === $portfolio_columns && 'grid' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) { $column_spacing_class = ''; $column_spacing = ''; } // Check pagination type. if ( 'load_more_button' === $portfolio_pagination_type ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-paging-load-more-button'; } elseif ( 'infinite_scroll' === $portfolio_pagination_type ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-paging-infinite'; } if ( Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_equal_heights' ) && 'grid' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) { $portfolio_classes[] = 'fusion-portfolio-equal-heights'; } // Get the correct ID of the archive. $archive_id = get_queried_object_id(); $title = true; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride $categories = true; // Get title and category status. if ( 'no_text' !== $portfolio_text_layout ) { $title_display = Avada()->settings->get( 'portfolio_archive_title_display' ); $title = ( 'all' === $title_display || 'title' === $title_display ) ? true : false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride $categories = ( 'all' === $title_display || 'cats' === $title_display ) ? true : false; } ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', $portfolio_classes ) ); ?>"> <?php /** * Render category description if it is set. */ ?> <?php if ( category_description() ) : ?> <div id="post-<?php echo intval( get_the_ID() ); ?>" <?php post_class( 'post' ); ?>> <div class="post-content"> <?php echo category_description(); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="fusion-portfolio-wrapper" data-picturesize="<?php echo ( 'full' !== $portfolio_image_size ) ? 'fixed' : 'auto'; ?>" data-pages="<?php echo esc_attr( $wp_query->max_num_pages ); ?>"> <?php if ( 'masonry' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) : ?> <article class="fusion-portfolio-post fusion-grid-sizer"></article> <?php endif; ?> <?php/* @trevorsf added code here ... start */ if ( $query->have_posts() ) : /* @trevorsf added code here ... end */?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : ?> <?php the_post(); ?> <?php if ( Avada()->settings->get( 'featured_image_placeholder' ) || has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?> <?php $element_orientation_class = ''; $element_base_padding = 0.8; $responsive_images_columns = $portfolio_columns_int; $masonry_attributes = array(); // Masonry layout, get the element orientation class. if ( 'masonry' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) { // Set image or placeholder and correct corresponding styling. if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { $post_thumbnail_attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full' ); $masonry_attribute_style = $lazy_load ? '' : 'background-image:url(' . $post_thumbnail_attachment[0] . ');'; } else { $masonry_attribute_style = 'background-color:#f6f6f6;'; } // Get the correct image orientation class. $element_orientation_class = $fusion_library->images->get_element_orientation_class( get_post_thumbnail_id() ); $element_base_padding = $fusion_library->images->get_element_base_padding( $element_orientation_class ); $masonry_column_offset = ' - ' . ( (int) $portfolio_column_spacing / 2 ) . 'px'; if ( false !== strpos( $element_orientation_class, 'fusion-element-portrait' ) ) { $masonry_column_offset = ''; } $masonry_column_spacing = ( (int) $portfolio_column_spacing ) . 'px'; if ( 'no_text' !== $portfolio_text_layout && 'boxed' === $portfolio_text_layout && class_exists( 'Fusion_Sanitize' ) && class_exists( 'Fusion_Color' ) && 'transparent' !== Fusion_Sanitize::color( $fusion_settings->get( 'timeline_color' ) ) && 0 !== Fusion_Color::new_color( $fusion_settings->get( 'timeline_color' ) )->alpha ) { $masonry_column_offset = ' - ' . ( (int) $portfolio_column_spacing / 2 ) . 'px'; if ( false !== strpos( $element_orientation_class, 'fusion-element-portrait' ) ) { $masonry_column_offset = ' + 4px'; } $masonry_column_spacing = ( (int) $portfolio_column_spacing - 4 ) . 'px'; if ( false !== strpos( $element_orientation_class, 'fusion-element-landscape' ) ) { $masonry_column_spacing = ( (int) $portfolio_column_spacing - 10 ) . 'px'; } } // Calculate the correct size of the image wrapper container, based on orientation and column spacing. $masonry_attribute_style .= 'padding-top:calc((100% + ' . $masonry_column_spacing . ') * ' . $element_base_padding . $masonry_column_offset . ');'; // Check if we have a landscape image, then it has to stretch over 2 cols. if ( '1' !== $portfolio_columns_int && 1 !== $portfolio_columns_int && false !== strpos( $element_orientation_class, 'fusion-element-landscape' ) ) { $responsive_images_columns = (int) $portfolio_columns_int / 2; } // Set the masonry attributes to use them in the first featured image function. $element_orientation_class = ' ' . $element_orientation_class; $masonry_attributes = array( 'class' => 'fusion-masonry-element-container', 'style' => $masonry_attribute_style, ); if ( $lazy_load && isset( $post_thumbnail_attachment[0] ) ) { $masonry_attributes['data-bg'] = $post_thumbnail_attachment[0]; $masonry_attributes['class'] .= ' lazyload'; } } ?> <article class="fusion-portfolio-post post-<?php echo esc_attr( $post->ID ); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $column_spacing_class . $element_orientation_class ); ?>"<?php echo $column_spacing; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security ?>> <?php /** * Open portfolio-item-wrapper for text layouts. */ ?> <?php if ( 'no_text' !== $portfolio_text_layout || 'one' === $portfolio_columns ) : ?> <div class="fusion-portfolio-content-wrapper">test <?php endif; ?> <?php /** * If no featured image is present, * on one column layouts render the video set in page options. */ ?> <?php if ( ! has_post_thumbnail() && fusion_get_page_option( 'video', $post->ID ) ) : ?> <?php /** * For the portfolio one column layout we need a fixed max-width. * For all other layouts get the calculated max-width from the image size. */ ?> <?php $video_max_width = ( 'one' === $portfolio_columns && 'floated' === $portfolio_one_column_text_pos ) ? '540px' : $post_featured_image_size_dimensions['width']; ?> <div class="fusion-image-wrapper fusion-video" style="max-width:<?php echo esc_attr( $video_max_width ); ?>;"> <?php echo fusion_get_page_option( 'video', $post->ID ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security ?> </div> <?php /** * On every other other layout render the featured image. */ ?> <?php else : ?> <?php if ( 'full' === $portfolio_image_size && class_exists( 'Avada' ) && property_exists( Avada(), 'images' ) ) { Avada()->images->set_grid_image_meta( array( 'layout' => 'portfolio_full', 'columns' => $responsive_images_columns, 'gutter_width' => $portfolio_column_spacing, ) ); } echo fusion_render_first_featured_image_markup( $post->ID, $portfolio_image_size, get_permalink( $post->ID ), true, false, false, 'default', 'default', '', '', 'yes', false, $masonry_attributes ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security Avada()->images->set_grid_image_meta( array() ); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php /** * If we don't have a text layout then only render rich snippets. */ ?> <?php if ( 'no_text' === $portfolio_text_layout ) : ?> <?php echo fusion_render_rich_snippets_for_pages(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security ?> <?php /** * If we have a text layout render its contents. */ ?> <?php else : ?> <div class="fusion-portfolio-content"> <?php /** * Render the post title. */ ?> <?php if ( $title ) { echo avada_render_post_title( $post->ID ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security } ?> <?php /** * Render the post categories. */ ?> <?php if ( $categories ) { echo '<div class="fusion-portfolio-meta">' . get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'portfolio_category', '', ', ', '' ) . '</div>'; } ?> <?php echo fusion_render_rich_snippets_for_pages( false ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security ?> <?php /** * For boxed layouts add a content separator if there is a post content and either categories or title is used. */ ?> <?php if ( 'masonry' !== $portfolio_layout_setting && 'boxed' === $portfolio_text_layout && '0' !== fusion_get_portfolio_excerpt_length( $post->ID ) && 'no_text' !== $portfolio_content_length && ( $title || $categories ) ) : ?> <?php $separator_styles_array = explode( '|', $fusion_settings->get( 'grid_separator_style_type' ) ); $separator_styles = ''; foreach ( $separator_styles_array as $separator_style ) { $separator_styles .= ' sep-' . $separator_style; } $border_color = Fusion_Color::new_color( $fusion_settings->get( 'grid_separator_color' ) ); if ( 0 === $border_color->alpha || 'transparent' === $fusion_settings->get( 'grid_separator_color' ) ) { $separator_styles .= ' sep-transparent'; } ?> <div class="fusion-content-sep<?php echo esc_attr( $separator_styles ); ?>"></div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="fusion-post-content"> <?php /** * The avada_portfolio_post_content hook. * * @hooked avada_get_portfolio_content - 10 (outputs the post content). */ do_action( 'avada_portfolio_post_content', $post->ID ); ?> <?php /** * On one column layouts render the "Learn More" and "View Project" buttons. */ ?> <?php if ( 'one' === $portfolio_columns && 'grid' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) : ?> <?php $button_span_class = ( 'yes' === $fusion_settings->get( 'button_span' ) ) ? ' fusion-portfolio-buttons-full' : ''; ?> <div class="fusion-portfolio-buttons<?php echo esc_attr( $button_span_class ); ?>"> <?php /** * Render "Learn More" button. */ ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>" class="fusion-button fusion-button-small fusion-button-default fusion-button-<?php echo esc_attr( strtolower( Avada()->settings->get( 'button_shape' ) ) ); ?> fusion-button-<?php echo esc_attr( strtolower( Avada()->settings->get( 'button_type' ) ) ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Learn More', 'fusion-core' ); ?> </a> <?php /** * Render the "View Project" button only if a project url was set. */ ?> <?php if ( fusion_get_page_option( 'project_url', $post->ID ) ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw( fusion_get_page_option( 'project_url', $post->ID ) ); ?>" class="fusion-button fusion-button-small fusion-button-default fusion-button-<?php echo esc_attr( strtolower( Avada()->settings->get( 'button_shape' ) ) ); ?> fusion-button-<?php echo esc_attr( strtolower( Avada()->settings->get( 'button_type' ) ) ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( ' View Project', 'fusion-core' ); ?> </a> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div><!-- end post-content --> </div><!-- end portfolio-content --> <?php endif; // End template check. ?> <?php /** * Close portfolio-item-wrapper for text layouts. */ ?> <?php if ( 'no_text' !== $portfolio_text_layout || 'one' === $portfolio_columns ) : ?> </div> <?php /** * On unboxed one column layouts render a separator at the bottom of the post. */ ?> <?php if ( 'one' === $portfolio_columns && 'boxed' !== $portfolio_text_layout && 'grid' === $portfolio_layout_setting ) : ?> <div class="fusion-clearfix"></div> <div class="fusion-separator sep-double"></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </article><!-- end portfolio-post --> <?php endif; // Placeholders or featured image. ?> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php/* @trevorsf added code here ... start */ else : ?> <div class="no-results">No results found</div> <?php endif; /* @trevorsf added code here ... end */?> </div><!-- end portfolio-wrapper --> <?php /** * Render the pagination. */ ?> <?php echo fusion_pagination( '', Avada()->settings->get( 'pagination_range' ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security ?> <?php /** * If infinite scroll with "load more" button is used. */ ?> <?php if ( 'load_more_button' === $portfolio_pagination_type && 1 < esc_attr( $wp_query->max_num_pages ) ) : ?> <div class="fusion-load-more-button fusion-portfolio-button fusion-clearfix"> <?php echo esc_attr( apply_filters( 'avada_load_more_posts_name', esc_html__( 'Load More Posts', 'fusion-core' ) ) ); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?> </div><!-- end fusion-portfolio -->
You can see I added two blocks:
I cannot see the name of the query array in the file. I have assumed that it is the normal
, as you can see in my first code block:if ( $query->have_posts() ) :
But, looking further at the code, there is this in the file you sent at the top:
global $wp_query, $fusion_library;
So that makes me think it is
so my code should have been:
if ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) :
I hope that makes sense. The code is simply adding a check to see if there are any posts. If there are it runs the code you already have, or else it outputs that small no results message.