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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post results with multiple words.

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  • Art Munson


    I’m using the Pro version

    If I search for more than one word at a time, say “salsa, rock” the result returns posts that are “salsa OR rock”. I would like the search to return post results that would include both the “salsa” AND “rock” tag.

    In the General settings I have AND selected but that doesn’t get the results I am looking for.

    Thanks for any help.


    Trevor Moderator

    If this is using the general search text box field, this is expected WordPress behavior. If this is what you are doing, you can instead install the free Relevanssi plugin, which has this setting:

    Default operator for the search? -> - AND - require all terms

    See our guide here.

    Art Munson

    Thanks Trevor, didn’t think to look there as I do have the Relevanssi plugin. For my use I had to also check this box “Disable OR fallback”.


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