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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Meta – Range Radio

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  • Roberto Garcia

    Ok, here it´s the thing, first, hello, so, i have a custom filed using ACF for prices over a post type…. etc, i´ve created a filter and what i need is to provide radio buttons to choose like for example:

    [radio] $0 – $500
    [radio] $500 – $1000

    Ok, that´s easy and i have it done and working, but, i need a radio as first default option that actualy do nothing… got what i mean? Visualy will look like this:

    [radio] ALL
    [radio] $0 – $500
    [radio] $500 – $1000

    It´s same thing that already is there working when you use a taxonomy->dropdown and plugin let´s you select the ALL by default (or not)

    I´m wrong or there´s a quick way to do same thing?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Roberto

    I’m looking at adding this in the next S&F Update 🙂


    Roberto Garcia

    Hi Ross, and that´s going to be soon? 🙂 Can i put some js code to prepend a radio/select for ALL and let the value=”0″, or something like that?


    Roberto Garcia

    By the way, the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” is not working, not on spam also. Profile Email is ok too. 🙁

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Roberto – not sure why you’re not getting them I’ll try to find out… :/

    RE you suggestion – that should work – most of the time S&F will ignore a 0 (this may be taxonomy fields) so you may need to add an option which has a value of 0 or just have it so value is empty value="" – I hope this will work for you in the interim.


    Roberto Garcia

    Thanks for superquick reply, forget about follow-up repies, now is working and i recibed your reply by email.
    I will try that adding an element with value 0 with jquery and see what happens.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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