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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Meta OR option?

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  • Trevor Moderator

    I think that I might need to see the form setup.

    Jon Watson
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I have the logins. What behavior am I expecting to see or not see? Step me through an example fail?

    Jon Watson


    So, if you look at the current search page: you can see it’s returning a nice list of all my posts, for all my various post types.

    However, I want it to exclude posts marked as “archived” using the above meta_query.

    If you go into Search & Filter settings for my “Search Archive” form and add back my arguments (as above), it breaks the search page and returns no results.

    The behaviour I’d expect is for it to return all the posts EXCEPT “This is a test post” (at the bottom), which is currently the only marked as archived.

    Yell if that doesn’t make sense!

    Jon Watson

    Has this one been escalated to Ross?

    Trevor Moderator

    No, I got a bit swamped with threads today (hence I am still working at nearly midnight). I will look at this with fresh eyes in the morning.

    Jon Watson

    Awww. No worries, Trevor! Thanks 🙂

    Trevor Moderator


    This one escaped me, does it still need my action? I spoke to Ross and currently the way the logic works what you want can’t work. In effect, what you need is a way of testing is a field value has NOT been set or is empty. At least, that’s what Ross and I read into what you asked for. If we are right, this will need to go into feature requests and join that long line of features to be added.

    Jon Watson

    It does, unfortunately.

    Yeah, that’s right. I need a way of displaying posts with a certain meta value OR that don’t have that meta field.

    So that’s not what the current args are setup for? There IS a no exists option, I’d assumed that this was what it was for.

    That’s really disappointing.

    I’ll add it to the feature request list, but my client isn’t going to be happy that it doesn’t do what we thought it did.

    Thanks anyway, Trevor.

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