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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Meta Issue

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Marlena

    I believe there is a limitation with the number of options you can add – as the amount of content posted (sent when saved) is too large.

    The next version of S&F will remove the auto suggest feature and automatically pull in values which are in use – this should be released in the next week.

    Can you wait that long?


    Marlena Cavanaugh

    I asked a question regarding a feature that was not working correctly about 2.5 months ago. At that time the new version was to reselese within a week (pleas see your response above). Where can I download the new version? Two weeks ago the release date was to be August 23, now I see it’s to be released this week. I’ve been waiting 2.5 months – can you please just send me the download link? I don’t need any extra documentation. Just need the updated version.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Marlena

    This didn’t make it to 2.0 – I’m working on it for 2.1.

    The reason for your problem is because of PHP upload limits – the form is so big it is exceeding one of these limits:


    You can try to increase these in your environment or ask your host to increase these to see if you can get away with more fields.

    The only way to get around this I think is to have a separate screen for entering post meta – or have the custom fields synced with your real live data – so you don’t need to enter any so many options manually (the second option is my preference).

    There were some other big features (like a full caching system) that first needed to be implemented in 2.0 before I could add this – this has now been created so I am free to move on to this feature.

    Sorry for the delay however I didn’t realise all the work that needed to be done before we could move on to this.


    Marlena Cavanaugh
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Its available from your account, or the plugins page in your WordPress admin if you’re activated.


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